This month I’ve had the great opportunity to visit two other YAGM volunteers at their placement sites in South Africa. From the communication I’ve had with the others, it had seemed as if our sites vary in many ways. After spending time at these two different sites, I know now for sure that they vary in many ways! My week long trip allowed me to experience these differences while observing a lot more of South Africa. I started my journey in Kimberley and traveled 6 hours by bus to Johannesburg. The skyline of Johannesburg and the busy bus transit was much different from the small information center where I began earlier that morning in Kimberley. Traveling the half hour by car from the bus stop to Soweto also allowed me to see more of the city life and finally reach one of the volunteer sites at the Central Diocese center. The next leg of my journey continued north on a 4 hour bus ride from Soweto to Polokwane and then on to a small village named Masealama by taxi. From the bus window I saw the beautiful countryside and watched as the landscape become less flat. The hills and ranges in South Africa are absolutely amazing. During these bus rides I would get caught up in the movies being played or listening to music and then all of a sudden look out the window and realize where exactly I was.
Like I said before, each of our sites differ in their own unique ways and during my visits I was able to experience many new things. One of my favorite parts was being able to hang out with people who spoke the other languages of South Africa. If you didn’t know, South Africa claims 11 national languages and each time the bus stopped, or when I would reach a new destination, the people would be speaking a different language. For instance, the people in Kimberley and those who live in the two other sites I visited each speak a different language. It would be like Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa each having a different primary language. Other new experiences included fetching water since there is no running water in Masealama, eating chicken feet and mopane worms, volunteering at a crèche, worshiping in the language of Sotho and attending my first South African soccer game. Knowing now how different the settings we all reside in are, I have a greater appreciation for the time and effort put into selecting where each of the twelve of us volunteers would be placed all over South Africa. In a way it was satisfying to see how well my friends fit into their new homes and at the same time realize the great fit Kimberley is for me.
The mileage between myself and the other volunteers has at times been difficult, especially after getting to know them all so well and becoming such great friends. Then again, I’m starting to realize the great opportunity we as MUD4 have, given our different locations and unique volunteer work. For one, we have the awesome chance to travel around South Africa and visit and volunteer alongside one another. More importantly, however, is the opportunity we have to learn from one another. The different sites mean different learning experiences that would not be available if we were not spread out as much as we are. Through out the year I will be able to share my personal experience in Kimberley and take with me the experiences I learn from my friends living all through out South Africa.

The crèche I was able to volunteer at was in Masealama. The children and youth I am with in Kimberley are mostly over the age of 8 so it was nice to spend time with these little ones.

Finally, I thought I’d share with you what I watch for two hours on the bus-- jazz flute. I’m Ron Burgundy?