Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunday is eating day.

Actually, every day is eating day, but Sunday meals are my favorite. Coming home from church around 9:30 the kettle immediately goes on for our second cup of tea or coffee. We also set the rice on the stove before leaving to go pick up a bag of mixed vegetables at the tuck shop down the road. The bag of veggies is brilliant, sold only on the weekends, and includes carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes, and onions for a decent price. When Dinah and I get home we spend time in the kitchen chopping and peeling while sipping on our tea and chatting about the week behind us and the week to come. Dinah also uses this time to translate for me what was said in church. Each food item goes into its own pot and takes its turn on one of two burners. On top of all that, Dinah always fries chicken and we make a cold lettuce or tomato salad.

Sunday cooking is a wonderful time that Dinah and I share together. Each Sunday she laughs and says, “three hours to cook, 10 minutes to eat”. It is without a doubt the best food I’ve had in Kimberley and is a meal I’ll have to continue once home.

Here is a picture of the table last week…a meal shared between two.


  1. Looks like a table prepared with love.

  2. Another wonderfuly blog entry, Nicki! I wish I could be there right now to enjoy one of those Sunday meals. Traditional South African meals prepared lovingly by the hosts are THE BEST!
